Nanda Vigo (born in 1936)
Born in 1936 in Milan, Nanda Vigo graduates from the polytechnic school of Lausanne. After professional experiences in San Francisco and with Franck Lloyd Wright, she opens her own studio in Milan in 1959. In the course of her career, she notably meets Lucio Fontana, founder of spatialism, Piero Manzoni, or even Gio Ponti, and just like them works to the integration of art within a spatial unity. In the meantime, she develops her own brand ‘Chronotopy’. Member of the ZERO movement, she takes interest in light and its dynamic, and build the sensible space using illuminated elements and materials coming from industry like glass, mirrors and neons.
Nanda Vigo takes part in numerous design events and her recognition is worldwide, as her creations are exhibited in several galleries and museums of contemporary art. She received many prestigious prizes like the New York Award for Industrial Design in 1974, for her Golden Gate floor lamp, or the Saint Gobain Prize in 1976. In 2014, her work is exhibited in the Guggenheim museum of New York in a retrospective dedicated to ZERO. She has also been a teacher in prestigious design schools in Lausanne, Milan and Brera. She now lives and works between Milan and Kenya.

Métal et Verre
Galerie Arcanes